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People With Lived & Living Experience are Invited!

(Family & Friends Included)

Honoraria Provided (Paid Participation)
Confidential Options Available

Image by George Pagan III

Your experience can change another's

Email us for more information:


Data in Delta

See the latest numbers in Delta for incidents related to the toxic drug supply crisis.

Please note that these numbers represent loved ones in our community.  

CLICK HERE For More information 

Our Committee

People with Lived or Living Substance-Use Experience, City of Delta | Delta Chamber of Commerce | Government of BC | Delta Police | Delta School District | Fraser Health Authority | Divisions of Practice | Tsawwassen First Nation | Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association | Deltassist | Phoenix Society | Moms Stop the Harm | Delta Kids | Dan’s Legacy | Canadian Mental Health Association | Boys and Girls Club of BC | The Delta Seniors Planning Team | Mobile Response Team | Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Society | South Asian Health Institute | Delta Literacy | Options Community Services

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